Woman Has Twitter In Arms Over Her Explanation To The "Real Reason" Why Men Date Younger Women

It's a lovely morning here at Barstool HQ. It's our first day back from holiday break and the buzz in the air is palpable, sort of like the first day back at school. The place is flooded. Smitty is in today amidst all naysayers and doubters too. I sat down at my AI server and tried to figure out what to blog today and I landed upon this video from "Wild content no cap fights", except it's not about fighting, it's an apparent explanation to why men date younger women. My unnamed older source for this couldn't be reached for comment, so all we'll have is my commentary on this absurdity.

First off, calling younger women a cheaper date is wild. They're going to be happy with a few little crumbs? Has she seen TikTok trends? You'll be spending money on a trip to Turks in no time and buying her the latest Van Cleef necklace for ten thousand a month in. Not speaking from experience or anything. She's gonna want to see Positano in Italy because Alix Earle was there and you're not going to be able to do anything about it. In a world of competition and social media likes, anyone younger is likely going to be infatuated with getting numbies by any means necessary. A fool and his money are soon parted. 

I can't even look for actual replies on Twitter anymore because it's just a bunch of OnlyFans bots and ChatGPT replies, but man what a horrible time to be dating. Everything turns into an insane debate about being past your prime and you become jealous of everyone else in the concrete jungle. If you can look past the thousands of replies completely missing the point and just calling her old and single, it ultimately comes down to the premise of the illusion of choice. Dating apps exist and you have thousands of options and that's why you're single, because nothing is ever good enough. Competition exists in ways it never has before, and that's why less people are settling down.

So what are your options? I'm not totally sure besides maybe striking the dating lottery and getting lucky, maybe meeting organically at a grocery store reaching for the frozen bugs or something, but other than that good luck. It's a true war out there.

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